Escorts / Outcalls
Enjoy a full-service in the comfort of your hotel room or home!
Social escorts
Fancy yourself a bit of a foodie but loathe eating alone?
Strippers / bucks parties
Spice up any event with sensational performers.
Enjoy a full-service in the comfort of your hotel room or home!
Fancy yourself a bit of a foodie but loathe eating alone?
Spice up any event with sensational performers.
Enjoy a sizzling Discreet full-service in the comfort of your hotel room or home. The best ladies in Newcastle, arriving straight to your door! Take the pressure off with Discreet Gentlemen’s Club’s Newcastle Escort Service.
read moreA Newcastle escort service with a difference! Discreet can pair you up with a lady that is not only stunning, but well travelled and educated too. Revel in the company of a gorgeous Discreet lady as you wine and dine!
read moreWhile we are renown for hosting the BEST bucks parties in town – Discreet can also come to you! Spicing up your event and adding the fun to any festivities.
read moreRead some of our blog posts to find out more about our venue and services as well as all things escorts and all things SEX!!
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